Masters Accreditation Opportunities with CPCO’s Additional Qualification Courses

Catholic Principals' Council of Ontario (CPCO) has established agreements with several Universities to provide masters accreditation of the PQP Part 1 and Part 2 courses offered by CPCO. There are two categories of masters accreditation agreements with various university partners:

  • The Masters Dimension Accreditation agreement and
  • The Course Credit Transfer agreement.

PQP candidates interested in masters accreditation are encouraged to become familiar with the nuanced differences between the two agreements, as well as the enrolment and registration requirements and processes, course credit offerings and the unique prerequisites established with each individual university agreement.

The Masters Dimension Accreditation Agreement (for PQP Part 1 and Part 2 only)

CPCO’s PQP 1 and 2 have been enhanced to include readings, activities and practicum to a masters level. The core topics, as determined by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), remain unchanged. The PQP readings have been broadened to ensure that strong theoretical and conceptual understandings frame the practical core of the program. In addition, for those selecting the Masters Dimension Accreditation, modifications to the practicum report have been made to enhance the research base and elevate the academic level of the report.

A CPCO appointed Academic Advisor will work with candidates and CPCO PQP Instructors in the preparation of the final report. For more information refer to the CPCO PQP Masters Dimension Accreditation Handbook .

To be eligible to participate in CPCO’s Masters Dimension Accreditation there is an additional registration fee of $500. Candidates are to complete the PQP Masters Dimension Fee Payment Form and submit it to [email protected] at the CPCO office either by mail or fax and arrange for fee payment.

Masters Dimension Accreditation

Charles Sturt University  

Master of International Education: School Leadership

Up to 2 full Master level credits

Most CPCO PQP participants will enroll with CSU after the completion of the PQP. However, it is possible to study at CSU and concurrently complete the PQPs.

Western University

Master of Professional Education

Up to 2 half-course credits

Candidates must register for the CPCO’s Master Dimension PQP Part 1 or Part 2 and complete the CPCO programs prior to admittance into the Western University's professional program.

Ontario Tech University (UOIT)

Master of Education

Up to 6 credits (2 courses)

The Ontario Tech University MEd degree consists of either a course-only option or a research project option, allowing you the flexibility to design your own learning experience. It can be completed full-time or part-time, with courses held during evening hours.

The Course Credit Transfer Accreditation Agreement

CPCO’s PQP Part 1 and Part 2 courses are eligible to be transferred into a university master program for advanced standing. Each university may require additional information and/or assignments in order to transfer credits.

Candidates interested in transferring PQP course credits are to contact the individual university directly.

Course Credit Transfer Accreditation

Niagara University

Master of Science in Education: Educational Leadership

Through portfolio assessment, up to 6 credits.

The Master of Science in Education: Education Leadership is also recognized as an acceptable masters degree by the Ontario College of Teachers and by CPCO for entrance into the PQP and SOQP programs.

Wilfrid Laurier University

Master of Education

Up to 2 credits

Completed Principal Qualification Program courses are eligible to be transferred into the program for advanced standing. Up to two PQP courses can be credited as electives towards the Master of Education degree at Laurier. Transfer credit is assessed at the time of admission.

Yorkville University

Master of Education in Adult Education OR Educational Leadership

Up to 2 credits and 20% tuition bursary upon successful completion of CPCO’s PQP Part 1 & 2

M. Ed. in Adult Education is designed for those committed to excellence as adult educators.

M.Ed. in Educational Leadership with a specialization in Educational Administration bridges theory and practice to create effective and inspiring administrative leaders.

M.Ed. in Educational Leadership with a specialization in Leadership in Learning draws on the best of management theory and practice to produce confident, capable, leadership luminaries.

Saint Paul University

Graduate Diploma in Transformative Leadership OR Masters of Arts in Transformative Leadership and Spirituality Up to 2 courses (3 units)

Graduates of the CPCO Principal Qualification Program (PQP) – Part 1 are eligible to transfer up to one course (3 units) into the SPU Graduate Diploma in Transformative Leadership and Spirituality . Transferred units are counted as optional courses.

Graduates of the CPCO Principal Qualification Program (PQP) – Part 1 are eligible to transfer up to one course (3 units) into the SPU Master of Arts in Transformative Leadership and Spirituality . Transferred units are counted as optional courses.

Graduates of both CPCO PQP – Part 1 and Part 2 are eligible to transfer up to two courses (6 units) into the SPU Master of Arts in Transformative Leadership and Spirituality . Transferred units are counted as optional courses.

The University of St. Michael’s College, Faculty of Theology

Master of Religious Education OR Graduate Diploma in Catholic Leadership Up to 2 credits

Graduates of the CPCO PQP – Part 1 and 2 are eligible to transfer up to two courses into the Master of Religious Education. Transferred units are counted as Religious Education elective courses.

Graduates of the CPCO PQP – Part 1 and 2 are eligible to transfer up to two courses into the Graduate Diploma in Catholic Leadership . Transferred units are counted as elective courses.

Charles Sturt University  Master of International Education: School Leadership  Up to 2 Master level credits for SEA AQ and PDC AQ  For further information contact Rhaul Ganguly, Course Director [email protected]