Advent 2023: A Season of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love

By Joe Geiser
Executive Director, Catholic Principals' Council of Ontario

“A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Isaiah 40:3

The season of Advent is a time of anticipation as we await the celebration of Jesus’ birth. It is also the beginning of the Catholic Church’s liturgical year. Advent wreaths are often found in our homes and classrooms as families, children, and staff gather around to pray and to give witness to the specific elements of this ‘waiting’ during each week – hope, peace, joy and love. Catholics are called to emulate these ideals throughout the year, especially at this time of expectation.

Catholic administrators in school communities know that the time leading up to Christmas can be stressful for some students, families, and staff. This is especially so this year - a year that has been marked by conflict throughout the world. We continue to welcome students and families from war-torn regions uprooted from their everyday lives to a country that may seem unfamiliar. In addition, far away wars have caused tensions, anger and strife in our hallways, classrooms, and communities. The question that I keep hearing is “What can we do about it?”.

It is important to remember that, while we can’t control what happens on the other side of the world, we can make a difference each day by speaking and treating each other respectfully and lending our support through acts of kindness and love. We need to look no further than the meaning of the Advent wreath in its circular shape as a guidepost for achieving this. For Christians, this represents God's eternal love for all humanity despite the differences that might lead some to division and dissent.

During the first week of Advent, we light the first purple candle (the Prophecy Candle), which allows us to focus on the hope Christ’s birth will bring to our world. The purple candle lit on the second Sunday of Advent (the Bethlehem Candle) symbolizes the peace that is possible in our lives and worldwide. This is followed by Gaudete Sunday, during which the pink candle (the Shepherd’s Candle) is lit. Realizing that we are getting closer to Christ’s birth we are joyful in anticipation. Finally, when we light the last candle (the Angel’s Candle) on the fourth Sunday we express our love to God for giving us His son through his birth.

During this season of Advent, filled with activities, concerts, gift-giving and school celebrations, we should also continue to seek opportunities to demonstrate the elements of hope, peace, joy and love that are increasingly needed in our lives. We are reminded that we have a social responsibility to look after each other. It can be a time of loneliness for those who are separated from their families and a time of anxiety for those who are facing economic challenges. It is important to remember that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life. If we, who are more fortunate and privileged, take the initiative to reach out to those in need, whether it be a family member, neighbor, friend, or even a stranger, we can help make this a time of great hope, peace, joy, and love. The humble birth of Jesus so many years ago, symbolized by the manger in which He was laid, is a terrific reminder of this responsibility. The example of Jesus’ birth, life and death shows how each of us, in our own specific and unique ways, impacts the lives of those around us.

We must also remember to care for ourselves spiritually, physically and mentally. Our health as Catholic leaders needs to be a priority as we accept the challenges and rewards that leadership provides.

I wish all our Associates, families and school communities hope, peace, joy and love, this Advent and Christmas season.

Dear Heavenly Father, this Advent season, we especially are in need of peace. War rages on in our world. It impacts the daily lives of millions in different ways. This year, as much as ever, we need Jesus, Prince of Peace, in our world and hearts. During Advent in 2023, we pray that Jesus transforms our world as we await His return.