International Women's Day

Written by Juleen Anderson, Manager, Communications and Marketing at CPCO
Dedicated to the Women at CPCO

“She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard”.
Proverbs 31:16

 Happy International Women’s Day – March 8

“When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment”. – International Women’s Day Website

Today, CPCO celebrates the remarkable women of the organization who continue to lead, inspire, and empower themselves and their colleagues. These women have woven a tapestry of warmth, support, and compassion, creating an environment that nurtures and supports all who are part of it. Their tireless efforts have built a highly efficient, inclusive and respected organization.

The women listed below are shining examples of what can be achieved through dedication, integrity, and a commitment to excellence. Each person was asked to choose a dessert flavour they could eat for the rest of their life. Their choices reflect their character strengths.

Green Apple
Green apple represents the strength and abundant knowledge of Tilia Cruz and Deirdre Kinsella Biss. It's a symbol of their unwavering determination to achieve their goals and overcome any obstacle that comes their way.

Vanilla is often used as a symbol for women who emit warmth, comfort, and safety. Erika Futuyma is a true indication of these qualities.

Gaby Aloi and Juleen Anderson embody the spirit of a caramel woman: leading with fairness, equity, strength and commitment.

Antonella Rubino is a true inspiration, living a life full of love and optimism that radiates positive energy to all those around her.

Black Cherry 
Jan Murphy is a true inspiration, embodying resilience, strength, and adaptability.

Maria Cortez is a valuable member of the CPCO team, embodying the qualities of fairness and kindness, peace, and love - all of which are symbolized by the watermelon.

Luciana Cardarelli, Vanessa Kellow, and Nancy McDowell radiate vibrant energy that is shaped by their unique and remarkable characters.

Elizabeth Creelman is someone who values harmony and possesses the gifts of wisdom and a calm demeanour.